Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

Create New Transaction Code in PMS Opera System

First we must login to opera system as system supervisior and then enter to configuration

-  Chose Cashiering
-  Code
-  Transaction Code

 After chose transaction code will see like this

And than klik new, but before create new transaction code we must create AR profile,
-   Enter to PMS

-  AR 
-  Account Maintenace

-  We will see like this

-  Input Password to Cashier Login

Klik new and than serch group name transaction group

 Klik new  and fill as needed

After finish create profile back to opera configuration  (Transaction code )
New transaction code and fill as needed but must synchronise with AR profile

But  don’t  forget  to create payment  type appropriate (ex. Debit Mandiri)

Setup  maping to sun system will post  another time…..

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